Thursday, December 6, 2007

Border Collie Puppy Cam

Celeste and the rest of us are a little tired, so we're about to put the lights out and let her and the newborns get some sleep (it's been a long day for all of us).

But, you can catch some video of Celeste and the pups while the lights are still on at:

You'll need Internet Explorer, not Firefox. Just click on View Video, and perhaps you'll need to hit the space bar and refresh the page or even install the ActiveX control so the camera will work with your browser. When the lights go out the video is too dark to see much. Celeste does deserve her rest though.

I haven't slept in 24 hours either, but I'm as high as a kite.

I'll try and keep the video on the pups for as long as we have them, so feel free to check back often to watch them grow.

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